"Any darn fool can make something complex; it takes a genius to make something simple."

"Any darn fool can make something complex; it takes a genius to make something simple."-Albert Einstein

Welcome to Poor Girls Pantry

How many of us wander into the kitchen often repeatedly opening the refrigerator and pantry doors hoping for ingredients to magically appear only to continually discover the same meager findings? Life often hands us circumstances that test our character and stretch our budgets. Posessing an ounce of creativity and a smidgin of sensibility makes all the difference in the world when desperately digging for new and interesting ways to disguise and decorate ground beef.

I recall incrediously the many times my mother magically materialized mouthwatering meals from meager findings for five children on a modest budget. I recently found myself tapping into her talented techniqure uncovering a treasure that I had not realized I posessed. Instead of pondering the potential for something more, I began to find quality in the questionable. These modest times had inadvertenly taught me to be incredibly resourceful and I embraced my unique ability to make something out of nothing. So, giving tribute to a remarkable Mother who taught me to see beyond the subltle, let us embarq on a journey together as I ponder my peculiar gift and open a passage into the poor girls pantry.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Peanut Butter Puddin' Pie

              sing and dance it out to the tune,  "It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time" 
                                                                    (click above for fun video!)

One particularly painstakenly long work week produced an insatiable sweet craving.  In hindsight I can recall that an enormous amount of caffeine was consumed that week to stabilize the sleep deprivation which could very well trigger a sweet hound attack.  That's what I call a sweet craving so strong one becomes compelled to sniff out any possible sugary substance in direct result of surrender to the sweet attack.  It's a sickness, I am fully aware.  I digress.....

This recipe was founded soley to satisfy the insatiable sweet cravings which flourished following a fantastically fun 'dance it out' stress relief session several Saturdays ago.  I'm finally getting around to posting these past ponderings. Life demands often take control of our time so sometimes we just have to hit the brakes, back the truck up and remember savor the simple substances that stir the soul.  


1/2 cup peanut butter captain crunch
2 tbsp butter
1 package hot cocoa mix

pour cereal into a baggie, be sure it is sealed well (you've been warned) and roll will rolling pin until you have created fine crumbs, add hot cocoa mix and blend ingredients together with butter until then press into the bottom of a pie plate or whatever bowl you feel a suitable for such delishesness.


1 package vanilla pudding
1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
1 3/4 cup milk

pour pudding mix into mixing bowl, add milk and blend well until smooth then add the peanut butter and blend again until creamy smooth then pour into crust

2 tbsp peanut butter
chocolate syrup

mix peanut butter and chocolate syrup until you have reached a drizzly mix then do exactly what it sounds like you should do....drizzle that mixture over the top of the filling.  Let chill in fridge for 30 minutes and then dig in! :)

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